What is the advantage of choosing Bariclip and not another procedure?

The Bariclip is a procedure that allows excellent results in weight loss with a minimally invasive intervention, reversible and without modifications in the anatomy of the digestive system.

What is the difference between a Gastric Sleeve and the Bariclip?

The gastric sleeve is a permanent procedure, where part of the stomach is removed, helping to control food portions and increase satiety. The Bariclip takes the advantages of the gastric sleeve, by controlling the capacity of the stomach, without the need to make cuts.

Does the Bariclip intervene in the absorption of food?

No, with the Bariclip the absorption of nutrients is not modified, nor is it necessary to consider vitamin supplements on a regular basis, since it does not interfere with its process.

If I have reflux problems, can I be a candidate for Bariclip?

Yes, it is a low pressure device that does not increase reflux. Having reflux is not a contraindication.

With Bariclip is there any kind of permanent cut or modification?

There is not, this is one of the main advantages of Bariclip, it is reversible and suitable for adolescents and adults.

What material is used in the procedure?

The Bariclip is a device made of flexible medical-grade silicone and titanium. Biocompatible materials that reduce the degree of unwanted reactions.

Is there any risk of performing Bariclip if I have Morbid Obesity?

There is no added risk to having Morbid Obesity, before performing the procedure, you will undergo a cardiovascular evaluation as part of your preoperative assessment. The Bariclip is a great tool to reduce the risks of morbid obesity in your life.

Is it an outpatient procedure?

It is a minimally invasive procedure, by laparoscopy for your safety and peace of mind, we plan to have an overnight stay in the hospital to monitor your progress.

Will I need to make changes to my diet?

The first days you will require a special diet in consistency, after that we will accompany you with the nutrition assessment to help you achieve your goals.

When can I start exercising again after surgery?

You can usually start at 14 days. Take care of your joints (knees and ankles) by exercising, if you have any problems or do not want to put too much pressure on your joints, we recommend stationary biking, water aerobics or walking underwater (remember to wait 10 days after surgery to immerse yourself in water).

Can I get pregnant after the bariclip procedure?

You can get pregnant right away but it is recommended to wait until you reach your ideal weight. Studies have compared pregnancies of bariatric patients with those of people affected by obesity; bariatric patients have a lower rate of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and miscarriages. Children of bariatric patients are also less likely to be overweight or underweight at birth.

Is having a previous abdominal procedure a contraindication for Bariclip Surgery?

It could be, it is important to mention it to Dr. Rumbaut so that he can evaluate your case.